Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fathers Day Card

Fathers Day Card, originally uploaded by rebeccalevan81.

This card is for my dad’s Fathers day. Last week he found a baby White Wing Dove in his back yard. We don’t know if a cat got to it or not. Then Yesterday he found another one that was cut across his chest we have taken both birds to the Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation so that the birds would have a chance of survival. The baby probably made it but the other one was really bad we have to wait to hear on that one. It's really cool taking the birds to the place about a week or so latter you get a postcard and it tells you if the bird was a male of female and how it's doing. So if you ever find a hurt wild animal try to find a Wildlife Rescue in your area and take it there they will take good care of it. Oh but don’t forget to leave a donation anything helps it’s better then not leaving anything at all.


Tracy said...

Love the card Rebecca so cute!!
If we find an injured animal..usually hedgehogs we phone the RSPCA and they come out and take care of it.